Baby Name Rankings of Rey

Rey: Statistics About The Baby Name Rey

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20237943140.0171% ***
20227873200.0172% ***
20217623250.0175% ***
20208842550.0138% ***
20197982860.0150% ***
20187513120.0162% ***
20177693020.0154% ***
20168682560.0127% ***
20159032390.0118% ***
20148842440.0120% ***
20139142250.0112% ***
20129112250.0112% ***
20119372100.0104% ***
20108552470.0121% ***
20099042280.0109% ***
20088572450.0114% ***
20079252110.0097% ***
20068542310.0107% ***
20059021950.0093% ***
20049881660.0080% ***
20039441720.0082% ***
20029241730.0084% ***
20019841550.0075% ***
20009811510.0073% ***
19999721480.0073% ***
199810001370.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.