Baby Name Rankings of Renita

Renita: Statistics About The Baby Name Renita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1982*** 9991480.0082%
1981*** 9651520.0085%
1980*** 9761520.0085%
1975*** 9691290.0083%
1974*** 8221640.0105%
1973*** 7671760.0113%
1972*** 7451880.0117%
1971*** 7681890.0108%
1970*** 7252070.0113%
1969*** 6402390.0136%
1968*** 6432270.0133%
1967*** 6852010.0117%
1966*** 6662120.0121%
1965*** 6962010.0110%
1964*** 7222060.0105%
1963*** 6512420.0122%
1962*** 6342540.0125%
1961*** 5783010.0145%
1960*** 5513140.0151%
1959*** 5533110.0150%
1958*** 5692970.0144%
1957*** 6402360.0113%
1956*** 6582110.0102%
1955*** 7491600.0080%
1954*** 9521040.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.