Baby Name Rankings of Renata

Renata: Statistics About The Baby Name Renata

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 4736500.0372%
2022*** 4926380.0358%
2021*** 5305790.0325%
2020*** 5105930.0336%
2019*** 4876430.0353%
2018*** 5056110.0331%
2017*** 4616820.0364%
2016*** 5405750.0298%
2015*** 6364450.0230%
2014*** 6594310.0222%
2013*** 7743490.0183%
2012*** 7493690.0192%
2011*** 7573610.0188%
1981*** 7382230.0125%
1980*** 3367180.0404%
1979*** 7272280.0132%
1964*** 8411530.0078%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.