Baby Name Rankings of Remy

Remy: Statistics About The Baby Name Remy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233908130.0444% 6414560.0261%
20223569160.0492% 6014950.0277%
20213579010.0484% 5505500.0309%
20203568690.0471% 4956160.0350%
20194237320.0383% 5385660.0311%
20184257190.0373% 5375810.0315%
20174496780.0345% 6054970.0265%
20164716490.0322% 7153960.0205%
20155205520.0272% 8473280.0169%
20146214240.0209% 9562780.0143%
20137533000.0150% ***
20128912330.0116% ***
20118812350.0117% ***
20108742370.0117% ***
20099762010.0096% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.