Baby Name Rankings of Remington

Remington: Statistics About The Baby Name Remington

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232831,1840.0647% 4197290.0417%
20222441,4380.0772% 3997790.0437%
20212311,5850.0852% 3488900.0500%
20202301,6160.0876% 3618560.0486%
20192271,6450.0862% 3758320.0456%
20182451,5240.0790% 3628620.0467%
20172471,4970.0762% 4197540.0402%
20162541,4110.0699% 4577000.0363%
20152991,1950.0590% 6224600.0238%
20143131,1010.0542% 6854100.0212%
20133638620.0431% ***
20124216660.0331% ***
20114795460.0271% ***
20105404640.0228% ***
20095834460.0213% ***
20087213170.0147% ***
20077992650.0122% ***
20067812620.0122% ***
20058242240.0107% ***
20048062190.0105% ***
20038092140.0102% ***
20028831850.0090% ***
20018421920.0093% ***
20007922050.0098% ***
19997312230.0110% ***
19987282250.0111% ***
19977531980.0099% ***
19968541630.0081% ***
19959391400.0070% ***
19948701530.0075% ***
19939791220.0059% ***
19929531270.0061% ***
19919301300.0061% ***
19909271250.0058% ***
19898471410.0067% ***
1984953860.0046% ***
19838501060.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.