Baby Name Rankings of Raymundo

Raymundo: Statistics About The Baby Name Raymundo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20049671710.0082% ***
20038592000.0096% ***
20029101760.0086% ***
20018521880.0091% ***
20008131980.0095% ***
19997861950.0096% ***
19988161840.0091% ***
19977791900.0095% ***
19967052240.0112% ***
19957592020.0101% ***
19946762350.0115% ***
19938321610.0078% ***
19928001700.0081% ***
19918651480.0070% ***
19908261530.0071% ***
19899191220.0058% ***
19889261070.0054% ***
19877831390.0071% ***
19868761070.0056% ***
19857811290.0067% ***
19848351100.0059% ***
19837791250.0067% ***
19828121190.0063% ***
19817221430.0077% ***
19807881240.0067% ***
19798361080.0060% ***
1978893930.0055% ***
19777921160.0068% ***
19768051070.0066% ***
1975855950.0059% ***
19748031000.0061% ***
1973814950.0059% ***
19727771060.0063% ***
1971872870.0048% ***
1970891820.0043% ***
1969871780.0043% ***
1968815830.0047% ***
1967804820.0046% ***
1966979560.0031% ***
1965835780.0041% ***
1964891740.0037% ***
1963886720.0035% ***
1962874760.0036% ***
1961873770.0036% ***
1960934660.0030% ***
1957902710.0032% ***
1955919660.0032% ***
1954982580.0028% ***
1953996530.0027% ***
1952953570.0029% ***
1951838700.0037% ***
1950873620.0034% ***
1949998490.0027% ***
1948847650.0037% ***
1947915590.0032% ***
1946927520.0032% ***
1945898510.0037% ***
1944968450.0033% ***
1937904480.0044% ***
1931990450.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.