Baby Name Rankings of Raquel

Raquel: Statistics About The Baby Name Raquel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 9052940.0168%
2021*** 9142910.0164%
2020*** 9312750.0156%
2019*** 8833040.0167%
2018*** 9322850.0154%
2017*** 8803070.0164%
2016*** 8513320.0172%
2015*** 7503730.0193%
2014*** 6974020.0207%
2013*** 6904040.0212%
2012*** 6264530.0236%
2011*** 6424410.0230%
2010*** 6044820.0248%
2009*** 6414590.0229%
2008*** 5725320.0259%
2007*** 4976440.0309%
2006*** 5005980.0291%
2005*** 4756380.0320%
2004*** 4436800.0342%
2003*** 3957670.0385%
2002*** 3897500.0381%
2001*** 3518490.0430%
2000*** 3419000.0452%
1999*** 3199680.0498%
1998*** 3259100.0470%
1997*** 2831,0200.0535%
1996*** 2801,0390.0543%
1995*** 2571,0730.0559%
1994*** 2511,1030.0567%
1993*** 2291,2230.0621%
1992*** 2421,1440.0571%
1991*** 2211,2690.0625%
1990*** 2391,1890.0580%
1989*** 2361,1680.0587%
1988*** 2281,1510.0600%
1987*** 2301,1670.0624%
1986*** 2639750.0529%
1985*** 2391,0780.0585%
1984*** 2987950.0442%
1983*** 2848240.0461%
1982*** 2818660.0478%
1981*** 2739060.0507%
1980*** 3018310.0467%
1979*** 2958100.0471%
1978*** 2898040.0490%
1977*** 2987940.0483%
1976*** 2887990.0509%
1975*** 2629170.0588%
1974*** 2848590.0549%
1973*** 2709220.0594%
1972*** 2611,0120.0628%
1971*** 2451,1920.0681%
1970*** 2151,4680.0802%
1969*** 2461,2040.0683%
1968*** 2839400.0550%
1967*** 4254830.0281%
1966*** 5742710.0154%
1965*** 6222460.0135%
1964*** 6902220.0113%
1963*** 6762210.0111%
1962*** 7232040.0101%
1961*** 6962270.0109%
1960*** 7241960.0094%
1959*** 7022030.0098%
1958*** 6852080.0101%
1957*** 7811660.0079%
1956*** 7461700.0083%
1955*** 7531590.0079%
1954*** 7421560.0078%
1953*** 7431510.0078%
1952*** 7651360.0072%
1951*** 8691070.0058%
1950*** 8381100.0063%
1949*** 8031170.0067%
1948*** 8251120.0064%
1947*** 8791010.0056%
1946*** 854940.0058%
1945*** 975640.0048%
1944*** 867780.0057%
1943*** 862820.0057%
1941*** 864720.0058%
1940*** 768840.0071%
1939*** 807730.0064%
1938*** 929590.0052%
1937*** 854660.0060%
1936*** 760790.0073%
1935*** 796730.0067%
1934*** 723860.0080%
1933*** 797700.0067%
1932*** 806720.0065%
1931*** 6171170.0106%
1930*** 6301210.0104%
1929*** 6861050.0091%
1928*** 750900.0075%
1927*** 909680.0055%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.