Baby Name Rankings of Ransom

Ransom: Statistics About The Baby Name Ransom

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1930986480.0043% ***
1919970490.0048% ***
1917954460.0048% ***
1916961450.0049% ***
1915772610.0069% ***
1914865400.0059% ***
1913868320.0060% ***
1912815300.0067% ***
1911964130.0054% ***
1910812150.0072% ***
1909705160.0091% ***
1908704150.0090% ***
1906841100.0069% ***
190598880.0056% ***
190486390.0065% ***
1902609140.0105% ***
1901718100.0086% ***
1900778120.0074% ***
189887280.0061% ***
189791970.0057% ***
1896583140.0108% ***
1895602130.0103% ***
1894590130.0104% ***
1893603120.0099% ***
1892568140.0106% ***
1891582110.0101% ***
1890480160.0134% ***
1889545130.0109% ***
1888688100.0077% ***
1887480140.0128% ***
1886534130.0109% ***
1885572120.0103% ***
1884565120.0098% ***
188367190.0080% ***
1882464160.0131% ***
1881558110.0102% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.