Baby Name Rankings of Raegan

Raegan: Statistics About The Baby Name Raegan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2022--- 3249890.0554%
2021--- 2801,1230.0631%
2020--- 2571,1710.0664%
2019--- 2181,3980.0767%
2018--- 2621,2410.0672%
2017--- 2611,2130.0647%
2016--- 2801,1310.0586%
2015--- 2711,1620.0600%
2014--- 3211,0190.0526%
2013--- 3051,0420.0546%
2012--- 2941,0780.0561%
2011--- 3419240.0481%
2010--- 3598790.0453%
2009--- 3778530.0426%
2008--- 3958060.0392%
2007--- 3978080.0388%
2006--- 4347210.0351%
2005--- 4966070.0305%
2004--- 4895890.0297%
2003--- 5445110.0256%
2002--- 5215230.0266%
2001--- 5494780.0242%
2000--- 6214080.0205%
1999--- 7153170.0163%
1998--- 7592840.0147%
1997--- 7942620.0137%