Baby Name Rankings of Quinten

Quinten: Statistics About The Baby Name Quinten

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20119262150.0107% ***
20108882330.0115% ***
20098812360.0113% ***
20088872330.0108% ***
20078682360.0108% ***
20068602280.0106% ***
20058232240.0107% ***
20048352100.0101% ***
20037852220.0106% ***
20027502300.0112% ***
20017372360.0115% ***
20006902560.0123% ***
19997742060.0101% ***
19986732530.0125% ***
19977042250.0113% ***
19966762420.0121% ***
19957082240.0112% ***
19947881800.0088% ***
19929821220.0058% ***
19908611410.0066% ***
19899561140.0054% ***
1983990800.0043% ***
1919879580.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.