Baby Name Rankings of Precious

Precious: Statistics About The Baby Name Precious

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2010*** 9602640.0136%
2009*** 7833580.0179%
2008*** 7913630.0177%
2007*** 6044890.0235%
2006*** 5555200.0253%
2005*** 5535070.0254%
2004*** 5645000.0252%
2003*** 5175470.0274%
2002*** 4256800.0346%
2001*** 3917430.0376%
2000*** 4376450.0324%
1999*** 4066860.0353%
1998*** 3817380.0381%
1997*** 4086380.0335%
1996*** 3787010.0366%
1995*** 4186180.0322%
1994*** 3996300.0324%
1993*** 4205940.0302%
1992*** 4425700.0285%
1991*** 4445730.0282%
1990*** 4515460.0266%
1989*** 4784960.0249%
1988*** 4345220.0272%
1987*** 5014270.0228%
1986*** 5044160.0226%
1985*** 5283780.0205%
1984*** 6352780.0154%
1983*** 6402680.0150%
1982*** 6582710.0150%
1981*** 6922460.0138%
1980*** 6912490.0140%
1979*** 8321880.0109%
1978*** 9901390.0085%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.