Baby Name Rankings of Portia

Portia: Statistics About The Baby Name Portia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1991*** 9661960.0096%
1990*** 8452330.0114%
1989*** 7542610.0131%
1988*** 7382540.0132%
1987*** 7662350.0126%
1986*** 7452330.0126%
1985*** 9261710.0093%
1984*** 8941670.0093%
1983*** 9671510.0084%
1971*** 9871280.0073%
1969*** 9871200.0068%
1967*** 9061280.0075%
1966*** 9171220.0070%
1965*** 8091510.0083%
1964*** 9201300.0066%
1963*** 8741450.0073%
1962*** 9041370.0068%
1961*** 8241640.0079%
1960*** 8681430.0069%
1959*** 9801170.0056%
1958*** 9141270.0062%
1957*** 8321500.0072%
1956*** 8631340.0065%
1955*** 7261710.0085%
1954*** 7111690.0085%
1953*** 7501480.0077%
1952*** 7421430.0075%
1951*** 6171940.0105%
1950*** 6051920.0109%
1949*** 5911970.0112%
1948*** 6341720.0099%
1947*** 7031460.0080%
1946*** 6301570.0098%
1945*** 6951150.0085%
1944*** 7491040.0076%
1943*** 6031550.0108%
1942*** 6311430.0103%
1941*** 756900.0072%
1900*** 721260.0082%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.