Baby Name Rankings of Pennie

Pennie: Statistics About The Baby Name Pennie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1969*** 9161350.0077%
1968*** 9131280.0075%
1967*** 8811340.0078%
1966*** 8271460.0083%
1965*** 6832080.0114%
1964*** 7192080.0106%
1963*** 6312580.0130%
1962*** 6782300.0114%
1961*** 7122120.0102%
1960*** 7361910.0092%
1959*** 7161960.0094%
1958*** 7921620.0078%
1957*** 7731680.0080%
1956*** 8621340.0065%
1955*** 8811220.0061%
1954*** 8551230.0062%
1953*** 9481000.0052%
1952*** 9231010.0053%
1951*** 936980.0053%
1950*** 929930.0053%
1949*** 942900.0051%
1948*** 8591040.0060%
1947*** 8381100.0061%
1946*** 920830.0052%
1944*** 932690.0051%
1943*** 960680.0047%
1910*** 961210.0050%
1907*** 865200.0059%
1897*** 817160.0064%
1894*** 775160.0068%
1892*** 895120.0053%
1890*** 99390.0045%
1886*** 97570.0046%
1885*** 78590.0063%
1883*** 90360.0050%
1882*** 66690.0078%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.