Baby Name Rankings of Paxton

Paxton: Statistics About The Baby Name Paxton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20232571,3510.0738% ***
20222561,3410.0720% ***
20212551,3820.0743% ***
20202621,2940.0702% ***
20192521,4370.0753% ***
20182211,6770.0869% ***
20172061,8980.0967% ***
20162031,9870.0985% ***
20152301,6620.0820% ***
20142601,4220.0701% ***
20132621,3460.0673% ***
20122411,4870.0740% ***
20112731,2740.0633% ***
20102951,1010.0541% ***
20093279710.0463% ***
20084226850.0318% ***
20075604530.0208% ***
20067772630.0122% ***
20058772050.0098% ***
20048791950.0094% ***
20039401730.0083% ***
20028421970.0096% ***
20019491620.0079% ***
20009411610.0077% ***
19998951680.0083% ***
19989171560.0077% ***
19979371440.0072% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.