Baby Name Rankings of Paulette

Paulette: Statistics About The Baby Name Paulette

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1980*** 9671530.0086%
1979*** 9441560.0091%
1978*** 7432090.0127%
1977*** 7851920.0117%
1976*** 7861810.0115%
1975*** 6272520.0162%
1974*** 5393130.0200%
1973*** 4703850.0248%
1972*** 4174660.0289%
1971*** 3586790.0388%
1970*** 3278070.0441%
1969*** 3686350.0360%
1968*** 3556280.0367%
1967*** 3316990.0407%
1966*** 3396900.0393%
1965*** 3427080.0388%
1964*** 3258400.0429%
1963*** 3218590.0432%
1962*** 3487440.0367%
1961*** 3397700.0371%
1960*** 3228530.0410%
1959*** 2939560.0460%
1958*** 2681,0670.0517%
1957*** 2631,0940.0522%
1956*** 2341,2370.0601%
1955*** 2241,3020.0650%
1954*** 2081,4790.0743%
1953*** 1791,7580.0912%
1952*** 1631,8910.0994%
1951*** 1492,1410.1161%
1950*** 1521,9460.1107%
1949*** 1252,5490.1453%
1948*** 1232,5810.1482%
1947*** 1342,3420.1290%
1946*** 1172,5080.1558%
1945*** 1481,5800.1174%
1944*** 1641,4320.1049%
1943*** 1651,4350.1002%
1942*** 2119700.0697%
1941*** 4152760.0222%
1940*** 4522250.0190%
1939*** 6791000.0088%
1938*** 780810.0071%
1937*** 839680.0062%
1936*** 737820.0076%
1935*** 944550.0051%
1933*** 931540.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.