Baby Name Rankings of Pamala

Pamala: Statistics About The Baby Name Pamala

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1972*** 9441300.0081%
1971*** 8921490.0085%
1970*** 7431990.0109%
1969*** 7271930.0110%
1968*** 6961950.0114%
1967*** 6322290.0133%
1966*** 6342280.0130%
1965*** 6922020.0111%
1964*** 5912820.0144%
1963*** 5982760.0139%
1962*** 6382500.0123%
1961*** 6322590.0125%
1960*** 5902810.0135%
1959*** 5513130.0151%
1958*** 5473130.0152%
1957*** 5872720.0130%
1956*** 5592830.0137%
1955*** 5722540.0127%
1954*** 5083040.0153%
1953*** 5382600.0135%
1952*** 5822210.0116%
1951*** 6741700.0092%
1950*** 6241840.0105%
1949*** 5891980.0113%
1948*** 6401690.0097%
1947*** 6261810.0100%
1946*** 6961340.0083%
1945*** 795900.0067%
1944*** 824860.0063%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.