Baby Name Rankings of Pam

Pam: Statistics About The Baby Name Pam

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1973*** 9941190.0077%
1972*** 7491870.0116%
1971*** 6742300.0131%
1970*** 5613280.0179%
1969*** 4973820.0217%
1968*** 4185030.0294%
1967*** 3676020.0351%
1966*** 2978530.0486%
1965*** 2461,2170.0666%
1964*** 1961,8670.0954%
1963*** 1662,3860.1201%
1962*** 1502,8090.1386%
1961*** 1443,0800.1485%
1960*** 1323,4100.1640%
1959*** 1253,6760.1769%
1958*** 1393,0620.1484%
1957*** 1841,9590.0934%
1956*** 3018670.0421%
1955*** 4024760.0238%
1954*** 4903270.0164%
1953*** 5582450.0127%
1952*** 6122040.0107%
1951*** 6271910.0104%
1950*** 5472290.0130%
1949*** 4293420.0195%
1948*** 3275720.0329%
1947*** 3056650.0366%
1946*** 3175460.0339%
1945*** 3773490.0259%
1944*** 3933250.0238%
1943*** 4422810.0196%
1942*** 6211460.0105%
1941*** 856730.0059%
1940*** 966550.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.