Baby Name Rankings of Otha

Otha: Statistics About The Baby Name Otha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1962936660.0031% ***
1961983620.0029% ***
1958920680.0032% ***
1957885740.0034% ***
1956759940.0044% ***
1955799840.0040% ***
1954745920.0045% ***
1953741930.0047% ***
1952716960.0049% ***
1951706960.0050% ***
19506721080.0059% ***
19496501120.0062% ***
19486681020.0057% ***
19476421160.0063% ***
1946726810.0049% ***
19455951030.0075% ***
1944640930.0067% ***
19436361000.0069% ***
1942695860.0061% ***
1941659860.0069% ***
1940672820.0069% ***
1939599950.0084% ***
1938627910.0080% ***
1937623880.0081% ***
1936659800.0075% ***
1935622900.0084% ***
19345661090.0103% ***
1933607920.0090% ***
19325871020.0095% ***
19315681070.0100% ***
1930659890.0079% ***
19295541140.0103% ***
1928617990.0087% ***
19275851120.0097% ***
19265421260.0110% ***
19255691190.0103% ***
1924646990.0085% ***
19236231050.0093% ***
19225961180.0105% ***
19215321370.0120% ***
19205191400.0127% ***
19195581170.0115% ***
19185511200.0114% ***
19175051300.0136% ***
1916617900.0097% ***
19155381080.0123% ***
1914560800.0117% ***
1913495780.0146% ***
1912519580.0129% ***
1911541310.0129% ***
1910543280.0135% ***
1909451320.0181% ***
1908461290.0174% ***
1907453270.0170% 982160.0047%
1906486220.0153% ***
1905490220.0154% ***
1904508190.0137% ***
1903568160.0124% ***
1902502190.0143% ***
1901526150.0130% ***
1900530210.0129% ***
1899472170.0148% ***
1898598140.0106% ***
1897637120.0098% ***
1896435210.0163% ***
1895576140.0111% ***
1894457190.0152% ***
189375090.0074% ***
1892589130.0099% ***
1891519130.0119% ***
1890529140.0117% ***
1889614110.0092% ***
188773180.0073% ***
1886634100.0084% ***
188482970.0057% ***
1883513130.0116% ***
1882636100.0082% ***
188184760.0055% ***
188072780.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.