Baby Name Rankings of Oswald

Oswald: Statistics About The Baby Name Oswald

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1933933460.0045% ***
1932882530.0049% ***
1931890520.0049% ***
1930771690.0061% ***
1929940520.0047% ***
1928844620.0054% ***
1927825660.0057% ***
1926780700.0061% ***
1925709830.0072% ***
19246421000.0086% ***
1923711840.0074% ***
1922740800.0071% ***
1921707860.0076% ***
1920730800.0073% ***
1919645900.0089% ***
19186001050.0100% ***
1917614940.0098% ***
19165531070.0116% ***
1915603910.0103% ***
1914534860.0126% ***
1913543640.0119% ***
1912549540.0120% ***
1911571290.0120% ***
1910529290.0139% ***
1909528250.0142% ***
1908675160.0096% ***
1907581190.0120% ***
1906635150.0104% ***
1905692130.0091% ***
190486090.0065% ***
190383090.0070% ***
1902724110.0083% ***
1901525150.0130% ***
190095390.0055% ***
1899650110.0095% ***
1898732100.0076% ***
1897468180.0148% ***
1896626130.0101% ***
1895599130.0103% ***
1894588130.0104% ***
189374990.0074% ***
1892675110.0084% ***
1890594120.0100% ***
1889575120.0101% ***
1888636110.0085% ***
188773080.0073% ***
1886465160.0134% ***
1884538130.0106% ***
1883630100.0089% ***
1882599110.0090% ***
188184660.0055% ***
188067490.0076% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.