Baby Name Rankings of Oral

Oral: Statistics About The Baby Name Oral

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1929991470.0043% ***
1928912550.0048% ***
1927871610.0053% ***
1926901560.0049% ***
1925832640.0056% ***
1924772760.0065% ***
1922731820.0073% ***
1921735810.0071% ***
1920717830.0075% ***
1919713790.0078% ***
1918757730.0070% ***
19175961000.0104% ***
1916652820.0089% ***
1915640830.0094% ***
1914709540.0079% ***
1913689440.0082% ***
1912698380.0084% ***
1911681220.0091% ***
1910628220.0106% ***
1909646180.0102% ***
1908734140.0084% ***
1907766130.0082% ***
1906671140.0097% ***
1905609160.0112% ***
1904676130.0094% ***
190398970.0054% ***
1902721110.0083% ***
190192070.0061% ***
1900671150.0092% ***
1899698100.0087% ***
1898536160.0121% ***
189777090.0074% ***
189681490.0070% 988120.0048%
1895597130.0103% ***
1894495170.0136% ***
1893694100.0083% 947110.0049%
1892475180.0137% ***
189175380.0073% ***
1890592120.0100% ***
188970990.0076% ***
1888635110.0085% ***
188668190.0076% ***
1884597110.0090% ***
188072580.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.