Baby Name Rankings of Ole

Ole: Statistics About The Baby Name Ole

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1915994410.0047% ***
1912932240.0053% ***
1909829130.0074% ***
1907917100.0063% ***
190589890.0063% ***
190485690.0065% ***
1903545170.0131% ***
1902579150.0113% ***
1901485170.0147% ***
1900619170.0105% ***
1899649110.0095% ***
1898628130.0098% ***
1897542150.0123% ***
1896476190.0147% ***
1895450200.0158% ***
1894455190.0152% ***
1893527140.0116% ***
1892513160.0122% ***
1891490140.0128% ***
1890368240.0200% ***
1889413200.0168% ***
1888284400.0308% ***
1887386190.0174% ***
1886324280.0235% ***
1885306310.0267% ***
1884323300.0244% ***
1883281350.0311% ***
1882287360.0295% ***
1881242420.0388% ***
1880315290.0245% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.