Baby Name Rankings of Ola

Ola: Statistics About The Baby Name Ola

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1957*** 9861110.0053%
1956*** 9141220.0059%
1955*** 8531300.0065%
1954*** 7151680.0084%
1953*** 7061690.0088%
1952*** 6212010.0106%
1951*** 6161940.0105%
1950*** 5722120.0121%
1949*** 5332420.0138%
1948*** 5452290.0132%
1947*** 4882800.0154%
1946*** 4952480.0154%
1945*** 4602420.0180%
1944*** 4163030.0222%
1943*** 3983360.0235%
1942*** 4222930.0211%
1941*** 3933090.0248%
1940*** 3503430.0290%
1939*** 3463390.0299%
1938*** 3643210.0281%
1937*** 3283650.0331%
1936*** 3143760.0349%
1935*** 3034070.0375%
1934*** 2924430.0410%
1933*** 2994160.0398%
1932*** 2794960.0448%
1931*** 2924570.0415%
1930*** 2815320.0456%
1929*** 2825220.0451%
1928*** 2855290.0443%
1927*** 2636280.0508%
1926*** 2686180.0503%
1925*** 2536800.0539%
1924*** 2516790.0524%
1923*** 2566250.0499%
1922*** 2447040.0564%
1921*** 2407480.0585%
1920*** 2397490.0602%
1919*** 2357330.0624%
1918*** 2446890.0573%
1917*** 2297230.0644%
1916*** 2366740.0621%
1915*** 2406100.0596%
1914*** 2195710.0718%
1913*** 2184720.0723%
1912*** 1935080.0868%
1911*** 1973620.0822%
1910*** 1674220.1008%
1909*** 1833250.0885%
1908*** 1653680.1039%
1907916100.0063% 1683480.1032%
1906*** 1633410.1089%
190598180.0056% 1613440.1110%
1904*** 1633350.1146%
1903*** 1613090.1111%
1902*** 1473620.1291%
190191870.0061% 1523240.1274%
1900*** 1603520.1107%
1899*** 1602800.1131%
1898*** 1573270.1193%
1897*** 1682660.1071%
189681390.0070% 1622730.1083%
1895*** 1632610.1056%
1894*** 1612640.1119%
1893*** 1492640.1172%
1892*** 1542590.1151%
1891*** 1542190.1114%
189085770.0058% 1492390.1185%
1889660100.0084% 1512090.1104%
188880080.0062% 1562000.1056%
1887*** 1481700.1094%
188682370.0059% 1401860.1210%
1885*** 1551390.0979%
188474180.0065% 1611210.0879%
1883*** 1471260.1049%
1882*** 1541130.0977%
188168780.0074% 152900.0910%
1880*** 184670.0686%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.