Baby Name Rankings of Ofelia

Ofelia: Statistics About The Baby Name Ofelia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1955*** 9241130.0056%
1954*** 9771000.0050%
1953*** 7781390.0072%
1952*** 7791330.0070%
1951*** 8151210.0066%
1950*** 8211140.0065%
1949*** 7501320.0075%
1948*** 7641250.0072%
1947*** 7881210.0067%
1946*** 6841360.0084%
1945*** 7301050.0078%
1944*** 7151120.0082%
1943*** 880800.0056%
1942*** 7411040.0075%
1941*** 764890.0072%
1940*** 701990.0084%
1939*** 746850.0075%
1938*** 755850.0074%
1937*** 696970.0088%
1936*** 705900.0084%
1935*** 6581010.0093%
1934*** 5351470.0136%
1933*** 6181110.0106%
1932*** 6531060.0096%
1931*** 5791300.0118%
1930*** 5701430.0123%
1929*** 5491550.0134%
1928*** 6081340.0112%
1927*** 6961100.0089%
1926*** 6301300.0106%
1925*** 5881510.0120%
1924*** 789900.0069%
1923*** 779880.0070%
1922*** 814810.0065%
1921*** 942620.0048%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.