Baby Name Rankings of Norton

Norton: Statistics About The Baby Name Norton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1937864510.0047% ***
1935873520.0049% ***
1934854550.0052% ***
1933892490.0048% ***
1932861560.0052% ***
1931778650.0061% ***
1930822630.0056% ***
1929877580.0052% ***
1928748740.0065% ***
1927888590.0051% ***
1926900560.0049% ***
1925903560.0049% ***
1924914590.0050% ***
1923851640.0057% ***
1921937570.0050% ***
1920921570.0052% ***
1919836620.0061% ***
1918891560.0053% ***
1917787650.0068% ***
1916775630.0068% ***
1915851530.0060% ***
1914790450.0066% ***
1913848330.0062% ***
1912829290.0064% ***
1911810170.0071% ***
1907915100.0063% ***
1897711100.0082% ***
189389070.0058% ***
188574880.0069% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.