Baby Name Rankings of Noreen

Noreen: Statistics About The Baby Name Noreen

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971*** 8161710.0098%
1970*** 7881780.0097%
1969*** 6462370.0135%
1968*** 6352320.0136%
1967*** 5542900.0169%
1966*** 4983530.0201%
1965*** 4584340.0238%
1964*** 4365050.0258%
1963*** 4105500.0277%
1962*** 3895900.0291%
1961*** 4015860.0282%
1960*** 4404940.0238%
1959*** 4245030.0242%
1958*** 4085160.0250%
1957*** 4135040.0240%
1956*** 4094910.0238%
1955*** 3536030.0301%
1954*** 3994730.0238%
1953*** 3795080.0264%
1952*** 3525460.0287%
1951*** 3604960.0269%
1950*** 3285450.0310%
1949*** 3136200.0353%
1948*** 2996510.0374%
1947*** 3305730.0316%
1946*** 3414790.0298%
1945*** 3294390.0326%
1944*** 3713600.0264%
1943*** 3593980.0278%
1942*** 3833450.0248%
1941*** 4272570.0206%
1940*** 4312490.0211%
1939*** 4362390.0211%
1938*** 4202550.0223%
1937*** 3862830.0257%
1936*** 4352190.0203%
1935*** 4392180.0201%
1934*** 4442140.0198%
1933*** 4532080.0199%
1932*** 4562070.0187%
1931*** 4591980.0180%
1930*** 5511530.0131%
1929*** 5081770.0153%
1928*** 6361230.0103%
1927*** 6361270.0103%
1926*** 6471240.0101%
1925*** 6741210.0096%
1924*** 7231060.0082%
1923*** 770900.0072%
1922*** 837780.0063%
1921*** 800840.0066%
1918*** 975550.0046%
1916*** 956520.0048%
1915*** 978470.0046%
1914*** 980370.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.