Baby Name Rankings of Norbert

Norbert: Statistics About The Baby Name Norbert

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971944750.0041% ***
1970895810.0043% ***
1969831870.0048% ***
1968905640.0036% ***
1967745980.0055% ***
19667271050.0058% ***
19657091110.0059% ***
19646881260.0062% ***
19636511460.0071% ***
19626691350.0064% ***
19616381510.0070% ***
19605851790.0083% ***
19596001690.0078% ***
19585981680.0078% ***
19575831730.0079% ***
19565831690.0079% ***
19555291910.0092% ***
19545112030.0098% ***
19534722170.0109% ***
19524991990.0101% ***
19514652120.0111% ***
19504542120.0117% ***
19494462240.0125% ***
19484622100.0118% ***
19474272530.0137% ***
19464162330.0142% ***
19454241980.0145% ***
19443912390.0173% ***
19433712720.0188% ***
19423453080.0219% ***
19413582650.0212% ***
19403382870.0242% ***
19393083300.0291% ***
19382983360.0296% ***
19372963320.0304% ***
19362813670.0345% ***
19352733990.0374% ***
19342674210.0397% ***
19332554260.0418% ***
19322464680.0436% ***
19312345000.0469% ***
19302285580.0495% ***
19292235750.0520% ***
19282176050.0531% ***
19272236030.0520% ***
19262305820.0509% ***
19252206080.0529% ***
19242126340.0543% ***
19232146000.0530% ***
19222066290.0559% ***
19212315780.0508% ***
19202425160.0469% ***
19192514450.0438% ***
19182414870.0464% ***
19172354660.0486% ***
19162424360.0472% ***
19152663320.0377% ***
19142532880.0422% ***
19132692040.0381% ***
19123391260.0279% ***
1911382550.0228% ***
1910444390.0187% ***
1909416360.0204% ***
1908436310.0186% ***
1907442280.0177% ***
1906453250.0174% ***
1905399290.0202% ***
1904637140.0101% ***
1903645130.0100% ***
1902453220.0166% ***
1901524150.0130% ***
1900509220.0135% ***
1899573130.0113% ***
1898428220.0166% ***
1897511160.0131% ***
1896663120.0093% ***
1895485180.0142% ***
1894710100.0080% ***
1893640110.0091% ***
1892673110.0084% ***
1891580110.0101% ***
189072090.0075% ***
188976980.0067% ***
188874090.0069% ***
188682070.0059% ***
188590660.0052% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.