Baby Name Rankings of Noelle

Noelle: Statistics About The Baby Name Noelle

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2061,4510.0830%
2022*** 2111,3820.0774%
2021*** 2021,4670.0824%
2020*** 2101,3720.0779%
2019*** 2231,3830.0759%
2018*** 2281,3710.0743%
2017*** 2351,3390.0714%
2016*** 2491,2630.0655%
2015*** 2501,2770.0660%
2014*** 2511,2800.0660%
2013*** 2961,0660.0558%
2012*** 3181,0110.0526%
2011*** 3578960.0467%
2010*** 3668650.0446%
2009*** 4347250.0362%
2008*** 4437060.0343%
2007*** 5046270.0301%
2006*** 4516840.0333%
2005*** 4746380.0320%
2004*** 4486700.0337%
2003*** 4027480.0375%
2002*** 4017250.0369%
2001*** 4336390.0324%
2000*** 4037080.0356%
1999*** 4346330.0326%
1998*** 4036780.0350%
1997*** 3757220.0379%
1996*** 4126250.0326%
1995*** 4525670.0295%
1994*** 4635470.0281%
1993*** 4625430.0276%
1992*** 4525490.0274%
1991*** 4355820.0287%
1990*** 4665260.0256%
1989*** 4695140.0258%
1988*** 4095770.0301%
1987*** 3975810.0310%
1986*** 4894390.0238%
1985*** 4414940.0268%
1984*** 4714390.0244%
1983*** 4864040.0226%
1982*** 5843120.0172%
1981*** 5233730.0209%
1980*** 4744460.0251%
1979*** 4484560.0265%
1978*** 4574350.0265%
1977*** 4484460.0271%
1976*** 5413220.0205%
1975*** 5503120.0200%
1974*** 6302450.0157%
1973*** 6262430.0156%
1972*** 5892720.0169%
1971*** 5363410.0195%
1970*** 4764250.0232%
1969*** 4614390.0249%
1968*** 4494540.0266%
1967*** 4594230.0246%
1966*** 4973530.0201%
1965*** 6512270.0124%
1964*** 7761770.0090%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.