Baby Name Rankings of Nikolas

Nikolas: Statistics About The Baby Name Nikolas

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20236504190.0229% ***
20225984680.0251% ***
20215874720.0254% ***
20206054510.0245% ***
20196054490.0235% ***
20185534970.0258% ***
20175874600.0234% ***
20165674970.0246% ***
20155664930.0243% ***
20145634890.0241% ***
20135145160.0258% ***
20124885440.0271% ***
20114735580.0277% ***
20104535880.0289% ***
20094436270.0299% ***
20084306650.0309% ***
20074017290.0334% ***
20063837720.0358% ***
20053338840.0424% ***
20043011,0490.0504% ***
20033537900.0378% ***
20023597420.0361% ***
20013567410.0360% ***
20003577380.0354% ***
19993198840.0435% ***
19982841,0070.0498% ***
19973527160.0359% ***
19963935990.0299% ***
19954624880.0243% ***
19944514920.0242% ***
19934614570.0222% ***
19924784410.0210% ***
19914814190.0198% ***
19904724400.0205% ***
19895143480.0166% ***
19885382890.0145% ***
19876182160.0111% ***
19866332010.0105% ***
19856461830.0095% ***
19846641700.0091% ***
19837051480.0080% ***
19827571350.0072% ***
19817561330.0072% ***
19807771270.0069% ***
19797551320.0074% ***
19788211080.0063% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.