Baby Name Rankings of Nikita

Nikita: Statistics About The Baby Name Nikita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2000*** 8812500.0126%
1999*** 7133180.0164%
1998*** 6453580.0185%
1997*** 5833980.0209%
1995*** 9871900.0099%
1994*** 9162070.0106%
1993*** 7852620.0133%
1992*** 6503430.0171%
1991*** 6073720.0183%
1990*** 6603370.0164%
1989*** 5454160.0209%
1988*** 4974540.0237%
1987*** 3606580.0352%
1986*** 2501,0340.0561%
1985*** 9561620.0088%
1979*** 9881450.0084%
1978*** 8901640.0100%
1977*** 8261820.0111%
1976*** 8031730.0110%
1975*** 8261640.0105%
1974*** 7961700.0109%
1973*** 8761470.0095%
1972*** 8761460.0091%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.