Baby Name Rankings of Nia

Nia: Statistics About The Baby Name Nia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 6424550.0260%
2022*** 6004960.0278%
2021*** 5825180.0291%
2020*** 4946170.0350%
2019*** 4986260.0343%
2018*** 4746540.0354%
2017*** 4976260.0334%
2016*** 4387330.0380%
2015*** 4427130.0368%
2014*** 4876420.0331%
2013*** 5075870.0307%
2012*** 4626710.0349%
2011*** 4905980.0311%
2010*** 4696390.0329%
2009*** 4896240.0312%
2008*** 4646720.0327%
2007*** 4018030.0385%
2006*** 3808400.0408%
2005*** 4067620.0383%
2004*** 3558750.0441%
2003*** 3458870.0445%
2002*** 3199600.0488%
2001*** 3091,0240.0519%
2000*** 3071,0300.0518%
1999*** 3677970.0410%
1998*** 3318890.0460%
1997*** 3767170.0376%
1996*** 4475650.0295%
1995*** 4954950.0258%
1994*** 5434470.0230%
1993*** 5224660.0237%
1992*** 7053050.0152%
1991*** 6113680.0181%
1990*** 8642280.0111%
1986*** 9401690.0092%
1974*** 6722230.0142%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.