Baby Name Rankings of Nevaeh

Nevaeh: Statistics About The Baby Name Nevaeh

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 1182,3260.1330%
2022*** 952,7780.1557%
2021*** 863,0250.1700%
2020*** 833,1030.1761%
2019*** 903,0800.1690%
2018*** 853,3590.1820%
2017*** 773,5620.1900%
2016*** 753,7780.1959%
2015*** 703,9680.2051%
2014*** 654,1880.2160%
2013*** 474,7160.2470%
2012*** 395,3170.2767%
2011*** 356,0300.3140%
2010*** 256,3450.3268%
2009*** 346,0200.3007%
2008*** 345,9900.2914%
2007*** 316,6890.3210%
2006*** 435,8140.2827%
2005*** 704,4570.2237%
2004*** 1033,1340.1578%
2003*** 1452,2870.1147%
2002*** 1901,6900.0860%
2001*** 2661,1900.0603%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.