Baby Name Rankings of Nestor

Nestor: Statistics About The Baby Name Nestor

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20079482050.0094% ***
20069271990.0092% ***
20058252230.0107% ***
20048761960.0094% ***
20038931870.0090% ***
20028531940.0094% ***
20017762180.0106% ***
20007262360.0113% ***
19996882440.0120% ***
19987272260.0112% ***
19977472010.0101% ***
19966892360.0118% ***
19956562530.0126% ***
19946312710.0133% ***
19936102900.0141% ***
19925982950.0141% ***
19915863010.0142% ***
19906262630.0122% ***
19896232530.0121% ***
19886432160.0108% ***
19876941720.0088% ***
19867831330.0069% ***
19857541390.0072% ***
19848131150.0061% ***
19838451070.0058% ***
19828511090.0058% ***
1981909970.0052% ***
19808631060.0057% ***
1979929900.0050% ***
1978890930.0055% ***
1976936800.0049% ***
1974866860.0053% ***
1973911780.0048% ***
1972997660.0039% ***
1970904790.0042% ***
1969994600.0033% ***
1968966580.0033% ***
1967974560.0031% ***
1966964570.0031% ***
1958986600.0028% ***
190798090.0057% ***
189595070.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.