Baby Name Rankings of Nehemiah

Nehemiah: Statistics About The Baby Name Nehemiah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234347160.0391% ***
20224486870.0369% ***
20214107530.0405% ***
20203788130.0441% ***
20193718520.0446% ***
20183967950.0412% ***
20173728820.0449% ***
20163609200.0456% ***
20153628990.0444% ***
20143598780.0433% ***
20133469190.0459% ***
20123428980.0447% ***
20113498600.0427% ***
20103409180.0451% ***
20093608410.0401% ***
20083648490.0395% ***
20073638610.0395% ***
20063628150.0378% ***
20054665350.0256% ***
20045843780.0182% ***
20035993500.0168% ***
20026532860.0139% ***
20016842630.0128% ***
20006992510.0121% ***
19998681740.0086% ***
19988281780.0088% ***
188681870.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.