Baby Name Rankings of Nat

Nat: Statistics About The Baby Name Nat

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1919932520.0051% ***
1918972480.0046% ***
1917860560.0058% ***
1916885510.0055% ***
1915770610.0069% ***
1914832420.0061% ***
1913795360.0067% ***
1912578490.0109% ***
1911570290.0120% ***
1910670200.0096% ***
1909701160.0091% ***
1908671160.0096% ***
1907800120.0076% ***
1906740120.0083% ***
1903608140.0108% ***
190299770.0053% ***
1901667110.0095% ***
1900596180.0111% ***
1899495160.0139% ***
1898563150.0114% ***
189783880.0066% ***
1895663110.0087% ***
1894475180.0144% ***
189374490.0074% ***
1892511160.0122% ***
1891552120.0110% ***
1890527140.0117% ***
188976780.0067% ***
1888598120.0092% ***
188772680.0073% ***
188667890.0076% ***
1885494150.0129% ***
188473980.0065% ***
1883511130.0116% ***
188281170.0057% ***
1881478140.0129% ***
1880495140.0118% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.