Baby Name Rankings of Nannie

Nannie: Statistics About The Baby Name Nannie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1950*** 944910.0052%
1949*** 953880.0050%
1948*** 8141140.0065%
1947*** 7841220.0067%
1946*** 7271240.0077%
1945*** 6531270.0094%
1944*** 5971520.0111%
1943*** 5921610.0112%
1942*** 5771650.0119%
1941*** 5161800.0145%
1940*** 4722030.0172%
1939*** 4702010.0177%
1938*** 4682080.0182%
1937*** 4222340.0212%
1936*** 4012530.0235%
1935*** 3902700.0249%
1934*** 3802810.0260%
1933*** 3802880.0276%
1932*** 3633090.0279%
1931*** 3503320.0301%
1930*** 3543560.0305%
1929*** 3333750.0324%
1928*** 3254180.0350%
1927*** 3094640.0375%
1926*** 2965120.0417%
1925*** 2955210.0413%
1924*** 2795600.0432%
1923*** 2765460.0436%
1922*** 2695800.0465%
1921*** 2726100.0477%
1920*** 2596530.0525%
1919*** 2566230.0530%
1918*** 2556300.0524%
1917*** 2545960.0531%
1916*** 2505910.0545%
1915*** 2416060.0592%
1914*** 2464580.0576%
1913*** 2424000.0613%
1912*** 2164270.0730%
1911*** 2163270.0742%
1910*** 1973340.0798%
1909*** 1703550.0966%
1908*** 1833130.0884%
1907*** 1753200.0949%
1906*** 1673230.1031%
1905*** 1723030.0978%
1904*** 1712890.0988%
1903*** 1573250.1168%
1902*** 1483590.1281%
1901*** 1393580.1408%
1900*** 1364460.1402%
1899*** 1423310.1337%
1898*** 1413590.1309%
1897*** 1443330.1341%
1896*** 1194000.1587%
1895*** 1293550.1437%
1894*** 1233740.1585%
1893*** 1123910.1736%
1892*** 1193850.1712%
1891*** 1253150.1602%
1890*** 1123550.1760%
1889*** 1003960.2093%
1888*** 1043730.1969%
1887*** 953400.2187%
1886*** 973470.2257%
1885*** 1042850.2008%
1884*** 973140.2282%
1883*** 873050.2540%
1882*** 862990.2584%
1881*** 882580.2609%
1880*** 872480.2540%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.