Baby Name Rankings of Murphy

Murphy: Statistics About The Baby Name Murphy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20238962570.0140% 5195820.0333%
20228852660.0143% 6654430.0248%
2021*** 7163980.0224%
20209662240.0121% 9782600.0148%
1956938640.0030% ***
1955969600.0029% ***
1954949610.0030% ***
1953883660.0033% ***
1952784810.0041% ***
1951911600.0032% ***
1950887600.0033% ***
1949857640.0036% ***
1948893590.0033% ***
1947931570.0031% ***
1946989470.0029% ***
1944750690.0050% ***
1943832630.0044% ***
1942864580.0041% ***
1941828590.0047% ***
1940887510.0043% ***
1939749650.0057% ***
1938740690.0061% ***
1937846530.0049% ***
1936935440.0041% ***
1935791610.0057% ***
1934816590.0056% ***
1933857530.0052% ***
1932692800.0075% ***
1931818590.0055% ***
1930848600.0053% ***
1929803650.0059% ***
1928932530.0047% ***
1927691880.0076% ***
1926667900.0079% ***
1925800690.0060% ***
1924845660.0056% ***
1923722820.0072% ***
1922751780.0069% ***
1921862650.0057% ***
1920796710.0065% ***
1919750740.0073% ***
1918867590.0056% ***
1917733720.0075% ***
1916738680.0074% ***
1915763620.0070% ***
1914733520.0076% ***
1913945280.0052% ***
1912665410.0091% ***
1911784180.0075% ***
1910849140.0067% ***
1909744150.0085% ***
1908650170.0102% ***
1907532210.0132% ***
1906581170.0118% ***
1905583170.0119% ***
1904749110.0079% ***
1903543170.0131% ***
190299570.0053% ***
190176090.0078% ***
1900528210.0129% ***
1897576140.0115% ***
1895661110.0087% ***
189483880.0064% ***
1893562130.0107% ***
1892510160.0122% ***
189192460.0055% ***
189096260.0050% ***
188681770.0059% ***
188377970.0062% ***
188183960.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.