Baby Name Rankings of Muriel

Muriel: Statistics About The Baby Name Muriel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1964*** 8701420.0073%
1963*** 7841760.0089%
1962*** 8241620.0080%
1961*** 7961720.0083%
1960*** 7931680.0081%
1959*** 8011640.0079%
1958*** 7721680.0081%
1957*** 6702150.0103%
1956*** 6412200.0107%
1955*** 5862460.0123%
1954*** 5452660.0134%
1953*** 4943100.0161%
1952*** 4713200.0168%
1951*** 4583310.0180%
1950*** 4453280.0187%
1949*** 3964050.0231%
1948*** 4043870.0222%
1947*** 3794460.0246%
1946*** 3823980.0247%
1945*** 3473910.0290%
1944*** 3094710.0345%
1943*** 3015310.0371%
1942*** 3035170.0371%
1941*** 2755390.0433%
1940*** 2585810.0492%
1939*** 2585840.0515%
1938*** 2347070.0620%
1937*** 2327030.0638%
1936*** 2356950.0645%
1935*** 2157950.0732%
1934*** 2148320.0769%
1933*** 1988710.0833%
1932*** 1811,0430.0943%
1931*** 1721,0800.0980%
1930*** 1551,3400.1150%
1929*** 1491,4570.1259%
1928*** 1391,6610.1391%
1927*** 1381,8050.1461%
1926*** 1292,0270.1649%
1925*** 1262,2130.1753%
1924*** 1262,2330.1723%
1923*** 1132,3600.1885%
1922*** 1122,3910.1917%
1921*** 1192,2480.1758%
1920*** 1232,0720.1666%
1919*** 1331,7890.1523%
1918*** 1301,8000.1497%
1917*** 1281,7130.1525%
1916*** 1341,5240.1405%
1915*** 1341,4430.1410%
1914*** 1331,1330.1426%
1913*** 1378800.1348%
1912*** 1556930.1184%
1911*** 2043510.0797%
1910*** 1873640.0870%
1909*** 1903110.0846%
1908*** 2072620.0740%
1907*** 2232190.0650%
1906*** 2072210.0706%
1905*** 2301860.0600%
1904*** 2062140.0732%
1903*** 1912200.0791%
1902*** 2052060.0735%
1901*** 2061950.0767%
1900*** 2112240.0704%
1899*** 2121670.0675%
1898*** 2681290.0471%
1897*** 2231520.0612%
1896*** 2321440.0571%
1895*** 2721080.0437%
1894*** 292900.0381%
1893*** 290870.0386%
1892*** 325690.0307%
1891*** 329590.0300%
1890*** 336580.0288%
1889*** 343530.0280%
1888*** 368430.0227%
1887*** 408290.0187%
1886*** 436250.0163%
1885*** 410260.0183%
1884*** 435220.0160%
1883*** 459180.0150%
1882*** 487150.0130%
1881*** 530110.0111%
1880*** 71970.0072%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.