Baby Name Rankings of Monnie

Monnie: Statistics About The Baby Name Monnie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1913*** 860380.0058%
1912*** 995270.0046%
1911*** 819280.0064%
1908*** 819230.0065%
1906*** 833200.0064%
1905*** 891180.0058%
1904*** 926160.0055%
1903*** 922150.0054%
1902*** 895160.0057%
1901*** 817170.0067%
1900*** 698270.0085%
1899*** 695210.0085%
1898*** 949140.0051%
1897*** 968120.0048%
1895*** 966120.0049%
1894*** 934120.0051%
1893*** 850130.0058%
1892*** 718170.0076%
1889*** 94090.0048%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.