Baby Name Rankings of Milford

Milford: Statistics About The Baby Name Milford

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1961926680.0032% ***
1958975610.0028% ***
1956861760.0035% ***
1955869720.0035% ***
1954903680.0033% ***
1953788820.0041% ***
1952790800.0041% ***
1951795780.0041% ***
1950762810.0045% ***
19496731040.0058% ***
19486541080.0061% ***
19476811040.0056% ***
19466331030.0063% ***
19455701140.0083% ***
19445841100.0079% ***
19435511310.0091% ***
19426031090.0077% ***
19415721080.0086% ***
19404971380.0116% ***
19395231200.0106% ***
19384911400.0123% ***
19374771420.0130% ***
19364921340.0126% ***
19354681460.0137% ***
19344591510.0142% ***
19334431550.0152% ***
19324691510.0141% ***
19314441600.0150% ***
19304531720.0153% ***
19294401800.0163% ***
19284192040.0179% ***
19274361940.0167% ***
19264152120.0185% ***
19253962290.0199% ***
19243982340.0200% ***
19233992240.0198% ***
19224012250.0200% ***
19214002320.0204% ***
19203962270.0206% ***
19194052070.0204% ***
19184022190.0209% ***
19173752260.0236% ***
19163961950.0211% ***
19153801980.0225% ***
19144201310.0192% ***
19133691280.0239% ***
1912386990.0220% ***
1911376560.0232% ***
1910488330.0159% ***
1909443330.0187% ***
1908510250.0150% ***
1907441280.0177% ***
1906451250.0174% ***
1905503210.0147% ***
1904375300.0217% ***
1903642130.0100% ***
1902517180.0136% ***
1901666110.0095% ***
1900507220.0135% ***
1899603120.0104% ***
1898652120.0091% ***
1897708100.0082% ***
1896475190.0147% ***
1895547150.0118% ***
1894493170.0136% ***
1893561130.0107% ***
1892474180.0137% ***
1890589120.0100% ***
188976680.0067% ***
188873990.0069% ***
188789060.0055% ***
1886464160.0134% ***
188567990.0078% ***
1884594110.0090% ***
1883581110.0098% ***
188273780.0066% ***
188163490.0083% ***
188087860.0051% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.