Baby Name Rankings of Michaela

Michaela: Statistics About The Baby Name Michaela

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 6374570.0261%
2022*** 5855090.0285%
2021*** 5815190.0292%
2020*** 6484430.0251%
2019*** 6104920.0270%
2018*** 5295880.0319%
2017*** 5195990.0319%
2016*** 4726730.0349%
2015*** 4966390.0330%
2014*** 4786540.0337%
2013*** 4107350.0385%
2012*** 4337130.0371%
2011*** 4097690.0400%
2010*** 3928040.0414%
2009*** 3708600.0430%
2008*** 3579090.0442%
2007*** 3439520.0457%
2006*** 3319850.0479%
2005*** 2841,1360.0570%
2004*** 2841,1460.0577%
2003*** 2371,3730.0689%
2002*** 2021,6070.0817%
2001*** 1781,8250.0925%
2000*** 1532,1690.1090%
1999*** 1252,6530.1366%
1998*** 1033,3370.1725%
1997*** 1003,3960.1782%
1996*** 1023,1740.1658%
1995*** 1073,0790.1605%
1994*** 1093,0400.1562%
1993*** 1691,8480.0939%
1992*** 2889570.0478%
1991*** 3357840.0386%
1990*** 3118770.0427%
1989*** 2699970.0501%
1988*** 3786320.0329%
1987*** 4175330.0285%
1986*** 4215190.0282%
1985*** 4345060.0274%
1984*** 5593330.0185%
1983*** 6042930.0164%
1982*** 6322840.0157%
1981*** 6952420.0136%
1980*** 6652660.0150%
1979*** 7342250.0131%
1978*** 8551720.0105%
1977*** 8621700.0103%
1976*** 8681560.0099%
1974*** 9761260.0081%
1971*** 9861280.0073%
1970*** 9851270.0069%
1969*** 8951390.0079%
1967*** 9641130.0066%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.