Baby Name Rankings of Merlyn

Merlyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Merlyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1946988470.0029% ***
1945846550.0040% ***
1944852550.0040% ***
1943796680.0047% ***
1942739760.0054% ***
1941697780.0062% ***
1940639880.0074% ***
1939663810.0071% ***
19385541100.0097% ***
19375681030.0094% ***
19365671030.0097% ***
19355631050.0098% ***
19345531140.0107% ***
19335581050.0103% ***
19325691090.0102% ***
19315071280.0120% ***
19305081370.0122% ***
1929639930.0084% ***
1928635960.0084% ***
19275791140.0098% ***
1926679880.0077% ***
1925734790.0069% ***
1924793730.0062% ***
1923767740.0065% ***
1922797710.0063% ***
1921925580.0051% ***
1920831660.0060% ***
1919943510.0050% ***
1918918530.0050% ***
1917869540.0056% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.