Baby Name Rankings of Merl

Merl: Statistics About The Baby Name Merl

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1938990420.0037% ***
1937965430.0039% ***
1936946430.0040% ***
1934936460.0043% ***
1932956470.0044% ***
1931882530.0050% ***
1929843610.0055% ***
1928853610.0054% ***
1927835650.0056% ***
1926790690.0060% ***
1925784710.0062% ***
1924844660.0056% ***
1923831670.0059% ***
1922710850.0076% ***
1921801720.0063% ***
1920779730.0066% ***
1919690820.0081% ***
1918704810.0077% ***
1917755690.0072% ***
1916690750.0081% ***
1915810570.0065% ***
1914732520.0076% ***
1913772380.0071% ***
1912789310.0069% ***
1910971120.0058% ***
1908861110.0066% ***
1907609180.0114% ***
190398370.0054% ***
190191470.0061% ***
1899691100.0087% ***
189783780.0066% ***
189680890.0070% ***
189399160.0050% ***
189168190.0082% ***
188772280.0073% ***
188681570.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.