Baby Name Rankings of Melvyn

Melvyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Melvyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1949767810.0045% ***
1948782760.0043% ***
19476891010.0055% ***
1946764760.0046% ***
1945701760.0055% ***
1944658900.0065% ***
19434691750.0121% ***
19423612810.0199% ***
19413392880.0230% ***
19403592540.0214% ***
19393392740.0242% ***
19383222930.0258% ***
19373682200.0201% ***
19365141200.0113% ***
1935621900.0084% ***
1934712740.0070% ***
1933706730.0072% ***
1932624910.0085% ***
1931845560.0052% ***
1925910550.0048% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.