Baby Name Rankings of Melton

Melton: Statistics About The Baby Name Melton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1958985600.0028% ***
1957950640.0029% ***
1956967600.0028% ***
1954930640.0031% ***
1953926610.0031% ***
1952892630.0032% ***
1951937560.0029% ***
1950814700.0038% ***
1949835670.0037% ***
1948812710.0040% ***
1947832690.0037% ***
1946791710.0043% ***
1945727710.0052% ***
1944698800.0058% ***
1943771720.0050% ***
1942738760.0054% ***
1941784640.0051% ***
1940734700.0059% ***
1939759640.0056% ***
1938815580.0051% ***
1937675780.0071% ***
1936708710.0067% ***
1935747680.0064% ***
1934779630.0059% ***
1933734690.0068% ***
1932707770.0072% ***
1931768660.0062% ***
1930804650.0058% ***
1929894560.0051% ***
1928817650.0057% ***
1927816670.0058% ***
1926762720.0063% ***
1925887580.0050% ***
1924759780.0067% ***
1923830670.0059% ***
1922750780.0069% ***
1921742800.0070% ***
1920851640.0058% ***
1919794670.0066% ***
1918947500.0048% ***
1917861550.0057% ***
1916774630.0068% ***
1915868510.0058% ***
1914979330.0048% ***
1913846330.0062% ***
1912775320.0071% ***
1910627220.0106% ***
1909876120.0068% ***
1908768130.0078% ***
190589090.0063% ***
190485490.0065% ***
190389080.0062% ***
1900768120.0074% ***
189790770.0057% ***
189584280.0063% ***
189476990.0072% ***
189398960.0050% ***
1888517150.0115% ***
188673880.0067% ***
188482270.0057% ***
188370580.0071% ***
188291460.0049% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.