Baby Name Rankings of Melisa

Melisa: Statistics About The Baby Name Melisa

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2004*** 9522480.0125%
2001*** 9932160.0109%
2000*** 9992120.0107%
1998*** 9642120.0110%
1997*** 8772310.0121%
1996*** 9901910.0100%
1995*** 9501980.0103%
1994*** 8852180.0112%
1993*** 8392350.0119%
1992*** 7752660.0133%
1991*** 7782640.0130%
1990*** 7752640.0129%
1989*** 7292710.0136%
1988*** 5953360.0175%
1987*** 6362970.0159%
1986*** 5863280.0178%
1985*** 5273780.0205%
1984*** 5193730.0207%
1983*** 5063840.0215%
1982*** 4844270.0236%
1981*** 4215170.0290%
1980*** 4045650.0318%
1979*** 3516590.0383%
1978*** 3815550.0338%
1977*** 3825540.0337%
1976*** 3775460.0348%
1975*** 3795480.0351%
1974*** 3516170.0394%
1973*** 3436370.0410%
1972*** 3516320.0392%
1971*** 3865850.0334%
1970*** 4115530.0302%
1969*** 4175280.0300%
1968*** 3835760.0337%
1967*** 4274820.0281%
1966*** 4773880.0221%
1965*** 4923730.0204%
1964*** 6032760.0141%
1963*** 6222620.0132%
1962*** 7062150.0106%
1961*** 8411580.0076%
1960*** 8831400.0067%
1959*** 9711180.0057%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.