Baby Name Rankings of Melina

Melina: Statistics About The Baby Name Melina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 6544470.0256%
2022*** 6394590.0257%
2021*** 6334660.0262%
2020*** 6474440.0252%
2019*** 6184840.0266%
2018*** 6304710.0255%
2017*** 6164860.0259%
2016*** 6104900.0254%
2015*** 5945010.0259%
2014*** 5984890.0252%
2013*** 5874800.0251%
2012*** 6454360.0227%
2011*** 5804940.0257%
2010*** 5025870.0302%
2009*** 4566750.0337%
2008*** 5215830.0284%
2007*** 4796650.0319%
2006*** 5465320.0259%
2005*** 5585040.0253%
2004*** 6274280.0215%
2003*** 6094400.0221%
2002*** 5544870.0248%
2001*** 4885690.0288%
2000*** 5434780.0240%
1999*** 5824240.0218%
1998*** 7932700.0140%
1997*** 8072580.0135%
1996*** 7332870.0150%
1995*** 6533290.0171%
1994*** 7142910.0149%
1993*** 6343540.0180%
1992*** 7272930.0146%
1991*** 6443440.0169%
1990*** 8352350.0115%
1985*** 8801820.0099%
1984*** 8861680.0093%
1983*** 8091910.0107%
1982*** 8022010.0111%
1981*** 8681780.0100%
1980*** 8511820.0102%
1979*** 9081640.0095%
1977*** 9691430.0087%
1976*** 8921480.0094%
1967*** 9931060.0062%
1885*** 89770.0049%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.