Baby Name Rankings of Meagan

Meagan: Statistics About The Baby Name Meagan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2007*** 8483320.0159%
2006*** 7453660.0178%
2005*** 6604140.0208%
2004*** 5974630.0233%
2003*** 4925860.0294%
2002*** 4506380.0325%
2001*** 4077090.0359%
2000*** 3568550.0430%
1999*** 2931,0490.0540%
1998*** 2631,1790.0609%
1997*** 2331,2870.0675%
1996*** 1931,5030.0785%
1995*** 2031,4590.0760%
1994*** 1691,7860.0917%
1993*** 1631,9240.0977%
1992*** 1571,9580.0978%
1991*** 1302,4240.1193%
1990*** 1262,5320.1234%
1989*** 1202,4650.1238%
1988*** 1402,0480.1068%
1987*** 1362,0020.1070%
1986*** 1232,2470.1220%
1985*** 1332,1980.1192%
1984*** 1651,6770.0932%
1983*** 2111,1900.0666%
1982*** 2928360.0462%
1981*** 2898430.0472%
1980*** 3297320.0412%
1979*** 4344740.0275%
1978*** 5023860.0235%
1977*** 4993800.0231%
1976*** 5792830.0180%
1975*** 6622300.0147%
1974*** 8211640.0105%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.