Baby Name Rankings of May

May: Statistics About The Baby Name May

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1982*** 9621540.0085%
1962*** 9961170.0058%
1961*** 9581270.0061%
1960*** 8951380.0066%
1959*** 8801390.0067%
1958*** 8491440.0070%
1957*** 8401470.0070%
1956*** 7671630.0079%
1955*** 6941830.0091%
1954*** 6811880.0094%
1953*** 6881740.0090%
1952*** 6721750.0092%
1951*** 5762220.0120%
1950*** 6221840.0105%
1949*** 5792070.0118%
1948*** 5602190.0126%
1947*** 5552350.0129%
1946*** 5731940.0121%
1945*** 5142030.0151%
1944*** 4732280.0167%
1943*** 5062170.0152%
1942*** 4332820.0203%
1941*** 4362470.0198%
1940*** 4072860.0242%
1939*** 4232570.0227%
1938*** 4032740.0240%
1937*** 3812900.0263%
1936*** 3543190.0296%
1935*** 3383520.0324%
1934*** 3243720.0344%
1933*** 3094030.0386%
1932*** 3014400.0398%
1931*** 2854810.0436%
1930*** 2725490.0471%
1929*** 2645840.0505%
1928*** 2367040.0589%
1927*** 2367470.0604%
1926*** 2327650.0622%
1925*** 2218400.0665%
1924*** 2218670.0669%
1923*** 2198690.0694%
1922*** 2248540.0685%
1921*** 2069730.0761%
1920*** 2049550.0768%
1919*** 1949830.0837%
1918*** 2009620.0800%
1917*** 1969420.0839%
1916*** 1909380.0865%
1915*** 1749740.0952%
1914*** 1767660.0964%
1913*** 1676940.1063%
1912*** 1536960.1189%
1911*** 1495370.1219%
1910*** 1385930.1417%
1909*** 1464810.1309%
1908*** 1355150.1455%
1907*** 1205420.1608%
1906*** 1195230.1670%
1905*** 1195300.1711%
1904*** 1105550.1898%
190398170.0054% 1075410.1945%
1902778100.0075% 1075600.1998%
1901*** 955500.2163%
1900*** 917450.2342%
1899*** 955710.2307%
1898*** 866960.2539%
189783680.0066% 915950.2397%
1896*** 826710.2663%
1895*** 806910.2796%
189483680.0064% 717630.3233%
189398860.0050% 736930.3077%
1892733100.0076% 707530.3348%
1891*** 686960.3540%
1890*** 657510.3724%
188970590.0076% 647230.3821%
1888631110.0085% 637820.4127%
1887*** 616480.4169%
188673780.0067% 646020.3915%
1885*** 616070.4276%
1884*** 615640.4099%
188385660.0053% 575320.4430%
188273480.0066% 595110.4416%
1881*** 584510.4562%
1880*** 574620.4733%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.