Baby Name Rankings of Maxine

Maxine: Statistics About The Baby Name Maxine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5135880.0336%
2022*** 6144810.0270%
2021*** 7014090.0230%
2020*** 7383700.0210%
2019*** 7993450.0189%
2018*** 8473190.0173%
2017*** 8743090.0165%
2016*** 9003080.0160%
1996*** 9841930.0101%
1994*** 9212050.0105%
1993*** 9481990.0101%
1992*** 9771950.0097%
1991*** 9462010.0099%
1988*** 8971940.0101%
1987*** 9981570.0084%
1978*** 9651440.0088%
1975*** 9721280.0082%
1974*** 9361330.0085%
1973*** 8091620.0104%
1972*** 8201620.0101%
1971*** 7491970.0113%
1970*** 6312620.0143%
1969*** 6492360.0134%
1968*** 6012560.0150%
1967*** 5562880.0168%
1966*** 4893670.0209%
1965*** 4634240.0232%
1964*** 4604450.0227%
1963*** 4345020.0253%
1962*** 4025730.0283%
1961*** 3836260.0302%
1960*** 3895930.0285%
1959*** 3596980.0336%
1958*** 3516860.0332%
1957*** 3297740.0369%
1956*** 3008920.0433%
1955*** 2948660.0432%
1954*** 2659930.0499%
1953*** 2341,1710.0608%
1952*** 2301,1580.0609%
1951*** 2181,2410.0673%
1950*** 2131,2500.0711%
1949*** 2041,3270.0756%
1948*** 1811,5300.0879%
1947*** 1811,5860.0873%
1946*** 1721,5380.0955%
1945*** 1631,4460.1074%
1944*** 1531,6030.1174%
1943*** 1531,7460.1219%
1942*** 1481,7520.1259%
1941*** 1391,7530.1408%
1940*** 1371,7860.1512%
1939*** 1371,7780.1568%
1938*** 1301,8170.1592%
1937*** 1361,7310.1572%
1936*** 1271,8230.1693%
1935*** 1211,9190.1767%
1934*** 1142,0230.1870%
1933*** 1102,0580.1969%
1932*** 1112,2190.2006%
1931*** 1012,3940.2172%
1930*** 932,6960.2313%
1929*** 852,9940.2588%
1928*** 843,1240.2616%
1927*** 873,0930.2503%
1926*** 843,1520.2565%
1925*** 793,5240.2792%
1924*** 773,6580.2823%
1923*** 763,6070.2881%
1922*** 823,4440.2761%
1921*** 773,6270.2837%
1920*** 813,5040.2818%
1919*** 853,1850.2712%
1918*** 873,2210.2679%
1917*** 932,6450.2355%
1916*** 952,4280.2238%
1915*** 982,1060.2058%
1914*** 1141,3920.1751%
1913*** 1191,0680.1635%
1912*** 1358190.1400%
1911*** 1535310.1206%
1910*** 1713960.0946%
1909*** 1793320.0904%
1908*** 2282190.0619%
1907*** 2222200.0653%
1906*** 2471730.0552%
1905*** 2861350.0436%
1904*** 359840.0287%
1903*** 380700.0252%
1902*** 396620.0221%
1901*** 437460.0181%
1900*** 404680.0214%
1899*** 513340.0137%
1898*** 584310.0113%
1897*** 610260.0105%
1896*** 890140.0056%
1895*** 964120.0049%
1894*** 887130.0055%
1893*** 733170.0075%
1890*** 859110.0055%
1884*** 83180.0058%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.