Baby Name Rankings of Matthias

Matthias: Statistics About The Baby Name Matthias

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234836230.0340% ***
20224656560.0352% ***
20214506770.0364% ***
20204316880.0373% ***
20194077490.0392% ***
20184077800.0404% ***
20174626490.0331% ***
20164956090.0302% ***
20155555130.0253% ***
20145804750.0234% ***
20136104110.0205% ***
20126803450.0172% ***
20117742870.0143% ***
20108262570.0126% ***
20097652940.0140% ***
20087722830.0132% ***
20078162580.0118% ***
20068132460.0114% ***
20058902000.0096% ***
20048212150.0103% ***
20039911590.0076% ***
188574280.0069% ***
188399750.0044% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.